X-Men Easter Egg - Spiderman Joins the Gang (and More...)

If you select the 'Special Features' option on the DVD and then select 'Theatrical Trailers & TV Spots' and then press the left arrow on your remote, a symbol of a rose should be highlighted. If you now press Enter you will be treated to a brief 'joke' scene featuring Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm with a special guest appearance by a certain wall-crawling web slinger. Brief, but mildly amusing!
Also, if you select the 'Art Gallery' from the 'Special Features' menu and then highlight 'Main Menu' and then press up once on your remote, you should be able to highlight Wolverine's Military Tag. Press Enter on your remote and you will be able to view a series of preliminary drawings of 'The Beast' and 'The Blob'

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 805 votes
Contributed By: Lee Goodman on 11-20-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: X-men: The Movie (DVD)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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The BJC writes:
Mildly amusing??? With all the hubub over the non-existant SpiderMan movie, I thought this was the funniest thing ever!!! Good eye catching those, though. I recognized the Wolverine tag after I you talked about the Rose... Good stuff.
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DCJoeDog writes:
I think your trying TOO hard to find an egg
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They are making a spider-man movie... it's in production now.
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bluetoast writes:
Actually, that might really be an egg, since the hidden picture is there.
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What non-existent Spider-Man movie? All the roles have been cast already. Tobey Maguire is playing the wall-crawler.
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mootar writes:
i think that this may be a even larger egg then it seems to be, the wording on the message that you get when you select the dog-tag, the part that says ......it was decided that these characters would make there debut but in a later film. The wording of this make me think that there is a sequal in the works.
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CRaveneau writes:
And, "Army of Darkness"'s Sam Raimie is producing it!
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mootar its no doubt there will be a sequel, in fact it was announced right when X-men was release in theaters that all cast members had signed for a 3 movie deal which mean there will be two sequels. and beast gambit blob and jubilee(who was in the first) will probably be in.
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Just some clarification - I know this isn't a Spider-Man page but I'm going to correct a few errors here anyway. First, as of this writing (19Dec00) the movie is in pre-production, not production ("production" implies that filming has started; it has not). And Sam Raimi is not producing, he is directing.
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Biff51 writes:
I heard that the Rock was going to be the Beast in the sequel. Is that true?
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The BJC writes:
When I commented on this egg, the Spider Man myth had been going around for a few months, with nothing firm. I have to say, however, having grown up on Spiderman... and it has been a while since I was a youth and actually read the comic, that I am excited to see a good big screen translation. Unlike that campy tv show I also watched as a kid, though most of you are far too young to remember it.
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H2SO4 writes:
For those who can't find it from the menus, like me (R2 DVD) you may be able to view it by finding the file VTS_13_1.VOB. If your DVD player doesn't like the file names directly you may be able to copy it to HDD and rename it to .mpg and something like Windows Media Player should be able to play it.
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cutz writes:
Has anyone noticed on the DVD, when you start the movie just as the 20th Century Fox logo is fading out pause the movie and look at the X in the Fox logo, it is a lighter colour to the rest. A little inside hint at the movies title I think! the 'X' men.
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tH3_JuDg3 writes:
That guy who mentioned the "third easter egg" may be right. I can see the X but I run the DVD on my PC and I usually use the mouse to click things (and yes I do mean on DVD) but it doesn't seem to link to anything.
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CJ2001 writes:
Geez---of course the 'X' in 20th Century Fox fades out later. IT'S AN X-MEN MOVIE!!! DUH!!! And yes, there is a Spiderman movie coming soon. No, I don't know if Rock is the Beast. There.
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Steel Bolt writes:
BJC> I am only thirteen and I have seen the old 60's cartoon of spider-man. It has been played on TV when I was around seven or eight. And about the sequel... No offense to the Rock(my favorite wrestler)... He doesn't suit the role of beast. Sure he has a huge muscle covered body but, Beast is an intellectual. I haven't seen the Mummy 2 so I don't know if he's a good actor but the smartest thing I've actually heard him say was "Go make yourself a glass of Shut-up juice. Doesn't sound like beast to me. P.S: GAMBIT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the best!!! He better be in the second movie! He's my all-time favorite super hero!!!!
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Josh Combs writes:
Does any one know what all that writing (just before the menu screen pops up) says? The writing I'm referring to is the one that has the word "ATTENTION" on the top. It goes away too fast, and I don't have a DVD-CDrom drive to possibly view it that way.
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Remiel writes:
Just a quick aside... On the European release of the DVD the icon for the Spider-man egg is a chess piece... Any ideas why it was changed?
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jrwag writes:
Josh Combs: The "Attention" screen is just a standard "no unauthorized copying" type of warning. Nothing special.
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cheez60 writes:
As far as i have heard there are two more X-Men movies being made at this time. Beast is going to be it the second as well as the Blob. Gambit i don't know about him. Yes everyone did sign up for a three picture deal so they will be making more and as far as how well it did in the box office it grossed like over 100 million and for any studio thats good money so a sequel is defiantly in the making. As far as Spider-Man goes i personally think it is going to kick but considering it is coming out in like 8 months. The preview looks bad ass but i think Kevin Smith should have directed, Am i alone on this?
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Phat_Cheese writes:
For people with a region 4 DVD ( Australia ), the 'Rose' in the spider-man easter egg is a 'knight' chess piece, not a rose.
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princepavel writes:
2 questions about XMen 1.5 DVD 1) I cannot believe there are no ewaster eggs for this premium version of the X Men DVD 2) There is supposed to be an Art and Photo Galery on Disc 2 , but it doesn't show on the menu, how do I get there.
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