OK Computer (Radiohead) Easter Egg - McDonalds Hamburger

On the second to last page in OK Computer sleeves, where the top left corner says "surface", under the injektilo* sign, there are instructions to make/ingredients to a McDonalds Hamburger.

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  7.1/10 with 93 votes
Contributed By: Matt on 11-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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muff13 writes:
What are the ingredients?
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30 grams flaked or ground beef shin (including gristle, ????, and fat) 16 grams beef mince (including heart, tongue, and more) 10 grams mechanically recovered meat (MRM) obtained by stripping the remains of the carcass and grinding the bits into a fine slurry 20 grams water 2 grams salt and spices 1 gram monosodium glutamate and colouring 5 grams poly???? preservatives (ingredients of 100% beefburger)" as described in the booklet, question marks where the overwriting made the recipe illegible. Big Mac anyone? Twice the fun.
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Spoon writes:
How on earth can you read it. I Think is is very cool though. Why do you think the Radiohead boy have put this in?
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Zollars writes:
Two questions. First, how do you know this relates exactly to McDonald's? Second, how do you know they didn't make it up themselves? Don't say if you don't know.
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the reckoner writes:
Actually, I think it has nothing to do with hamburgers. Most likely it is an analogy that goes along with the theme that runs throughout the album of society chewing up and spitting out innocent people. cheers, the reckoner
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Wallamanage writes:
I just thought someone might like to know. If you reverse the Radiohead song Like Spinning Plates from the album Amnesiac you get I Will (No Mans Land) from the album Hail To The Thief.
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