Eyes Wide Shut Easter Egg - Fidelio

"Fidelio" is the password Cruise's character needs to get into the occult ceremony. Interestingly enough, Fidelio is an opera written by Ludwig van Beethoven with the same theme as Eyes Wide Shut: the triumph of love, fidelity, courage, and
endurance over the forces of evil and oppression. Also, there is a scene in the opera where a woman endangers herself to save a man, just like in Kubick's film.

User Rating:
  6.5/10 with 115 votes
Contributed By: Prince Mu-Chao on 08-30-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Seen Movie; know meaning of password
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Chuck writes:
Eyes Wide Shut is not about "the triumph of love, fidelity, courage, and endurance over the forces of evil and oppression" at all. It's about a couple confronting all the possible manifestations of sex and how it can damage them and how it can heal them. Not much like Fidelio at all.
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Jade writes:
There is actually a theme to this movie?????
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slim_lazy writes:
and in the N64 game Conker's Bad Fur Day, Conker needs to use a password to get into a club only he confuses 'Fedelio' for 'Feletio' very humorous in my opinion
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imnotpaul writes:
This movie can also be taken as Stanley Kubricks attack on the Church of Scientology. Examples: COS is a secret society which requires complete faithfulness at its upper levels, lack of which is rumored to bring a persons demise, FIDELIO = FAITHFULNESS, which brought death to Nightingale and Mandy, Obsession with Naval Officer - L.Ron Hubbard (church founder) was a naval officer, Costume is bought at Rainbow fashions - "Go Beyond The Rainbow" = scientology motto, In the final dialog between Ziegler and Bill,Victor is shot for a long time with a SHIP behind him. The ship of the naval officer, as well as, every time Bill tells a lie he finds out the truth. This is presumably unbeknownst to the two main stars (cruise and kidman are both members of COS) because Kubrick hid the story (as well as never explained the meanings of his films). More COS info: http://www.primenet.com/~cultxpt/cos.htm
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Jazzkat7411 writes:
Kubric seems to be a big Beethoven fan... in A clockwork orange, the character of Alex is a huge Beethoven fan, and Beethoven's music played a huge part in that movie... I believe there is some Beethoven in .."Jacket". I think "Fidelio is just Kubric's way injecting some Ludwig Van in Eyes Wide Shut... but it is a nice twist that the themes are similar in both stories.
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This is straight from kubrick's official website What is the significance of the code word "fidelio"? "Fidelio" comes from the Latin root "fidelis," meaning "faithful," which ties in to one of the major themes of the film: Can husbands and wives be truly faithful to each other? http://kubrickfilms.warnerbros.com/mainmenu/mainmenu.html
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maki writes:
A guy more clever than me wrote: "Since Beethoven's opera [Fidelio] is about a wife who assumes a disguise to save her husband, this password evokes a possible reading that suggests Alice attended the orgy and may even have helped save Bill in some way..." (an article by Bob Mielke, http://www.erasingclouds.com/04kubrick.html)
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