Super Game Boy Easter Egg - Hardware Developers

Insert the Super Game Boy system into your Super Nintendo (SNES) and insert any Game Boy game.
Turn on the power and wait until the game actually starts to show.
Quickly (with no more than about a half second pause between buttons) press LLLRRRLLLRRRRRRR (thats L 3 times, R 3 times, L 3 times, R 7 times).
The screen turns black and will scroll through the credits of the hardware developers while playing music.
This is about 5 minutes long.
The date (1994, I think it says "March 1994") is shown at the end.
This was printed by Nintendo in one of their later "Nintendo Power" issues near end of 1994 or early 1995.

User Rating:
  5.4/10 with 65 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 11-02-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Super Game Boy system (for Super Nintendo) and any game
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Does anyone have one of these things anymore?
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sk8r4lyf writes:
I still have one, heh. I just tested this Egg and it works like a charm. Nice music too....
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netster403 writes:
i have one, it works fine
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My cousins have these things. Works fine for them.
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Tsuzyoko writes:
What is a Super Gameboy, anyway? I never heard of it before.
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MetaLuigi64 writes:
To Tsuzyoko: The Super Gameboy is an add-on for the SNES that would allow you to play gameboy games with improved graphics, sound, etc & even in colour, aswell as the ability to make backgrounds & draw on stuff.. Some Game boy games have the "Super Gameboy Gamepak"Label. This means that you get a special background(E.g.If Donkey Kong '94 is played on a Super Gameboy, you will get a border based on the arcade machine of it.)Or watch this Promo(I'ts in German)on
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