Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson) Easter Egg - #99

Well, if you are true Manson fan then you should already know about track # 99! After all the regular tracks, your disc player should head up the #'s and stop at #99. Enjoy!

User Rating:
  4.6/10 with 112 votes
Contributed By: emil76 on 08-30-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Antichrist disc
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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solo writes:
Most people dont bother to listen up to track #99, but if you do there is a vocal track that lasts 1 min 40 enjoy
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ktpupp writes:
This one is really obvious if you have your CD player on random... all the tracks up to #99 play a few seconds of silence...
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huntermc writes:
The real Easter egg to track #99 is when you put the CD on and set your player on "repeat" so that it starts playing track #1 (Irresponsible Hate Anthem) as soon as #99 is done. The distorted voice ends the album saying "While you are suffering know that I have betrayed you." Then the album begins again and this voice and phrase are repeated at the start, implying a cyclical nature to the events of the album.
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Dom writes:
For anyone who's interested heres the lyrics: Go ahead(somethingerother)and date a dead messiah We can dig another grave This is your calling If you are hearing this,there is nothing I can do Something has grown out of my chest I have seen it It is hard and cold It has been dormant for many years We are trying to save you,we have come to save you This is what you deserve This is what we deserve This is something we have brought upon ourselves We are not a victim,you are not a victim We are not a victim,you are not a victim God will grovel before me God will fall at my feet And the time is this And the time is... When you are suffering,know that I have betrayed you
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Kuh writes:
okay....i have never been to track 99...the last track, Man That you Fear is like 13:30 long...and after a loooooong silence there is more noise at about THIS track 99?
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atarifaery writes:
no, man that you fear is track 16.... track 99 is.. what a coincidence, track 99. that is *after* 15-98.
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Anavrin writes:
A little known fact about Track 99 is that if you play it backwards, there are more lyrics related to the ones played forward. Though I don't remember the site that has the lyrics written down, it is a very interesting secret. You can check it out yourself by recording the track with Sound Recorder, and then setting the recording to reverse.
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powell writes:
The philisophical Overman on who this album is based is, essentially, a cycle. It goes on because when the Overman/Antichrist (in this case Manson) destroys the current order (in this case the church, which at the end of the album is all but destroyed as the people follow Manson), another Overman will rise to topple the order that was put in place. At the time of the albums end, some other kid is living in smalltown America and feeling dissillusioned. You could almost say that if you play the album twice, it forms a complete story, rather than the same story twice. The second run through represents someone else rising to destroy Manson And so on....
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Jake_Davis writes:
Actually it is... Go ahead and build a better messiah We can dig another grave
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Brezzy writes:
I just found an easy way of getting out of listening until the 99th song on the cd .......... i just went to add antichrist superstar to my itunes and when the album comes up on intunes to convert it, they show every song from 16 - 99! each every song after 16 is titled blank and goes for 3 or 4 secs but you can go to straight to number 99 to hear what it says. Its goes for 1:39
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I've heard it's called "Revelation 99."
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