McFarlane, Todd Easter Egg - Todd Likes Felix

Todd McFarlane has penciled hundreds of comics (Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man, Spawn, etc) and every single of them contains a hidden image of Felix the Cat. Sometimes he is extremely hard to spot but I've seen him everywhere from the collar of Ben Grimm's (The Thing) house-coat to Cyan's (Spawn's daughter) crib.
Remember though, it must be a comic that McFarlane penciled. If he just wrote, inked or created it, it won't be there.

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  7.0/10 with 58 votes
Contributed By: DTAYLOR on 10-15-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Pumpkingrrl writes:
Do you know if Felix is in the "Follow the Leader" artwork?
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Shrouded writes:
Todd did do work on spider-man. He created Venom.
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Todd didn't create Spider-man or the Incredible Hulk, but he did work on them at one stage. As for Felix, he's there because some guy he met said he would only buy Todd's comics if Todd put Felix in there, considering the guy was a huge Felix fan. Don't ask me why Todd actually did this... And I know this from a letter in an issue of Spawn.
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BobbyFrost writes:
To Shrouded: Todd didn't create Venom, only penciled him.
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