Demolition Man Easter Egg - A Brave New Movie?

This movie is basically a 90's adaptation of A Brave New World with action... Don't believe me?

1. Sandra Bullock's character's name is Lenina Huxley...Lenina being the one of the main characters in the BNW and Huxley being the last name of the author of BNW, Aldous Huxley.

2. Stallone's character's name is John Spartan...John is also the name of the character who comes to the new land from the reservation, i.e. to the future from the past.

3. During the fight in the historical museum, Wesley Snipe's character is heard saying "What a brave new world!" or something of that nature (I forgot.)

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  5.9/10 with 156 votes
Contributed By: B-Guile on 08-27-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Have you read A Brave New World??
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Moribund writes:
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d2tw4all writes:
There are MANY MANY other references, one being the fact that his name in the book is "John the savage" and John's nickname in the movie is "the savage". It's what the cops used to call him before he was frozen. There are many more but I honestly forget them all. D2.
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Phantom309 writes:
Actually - John's nickname before he was frozen was the Demolition Man, hence the name of the movie. It was Police Chief Earl that called him The Savage.
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I completely agree! I noticed all these things my very first time watching it. Everytime they mentioned the name "Huxley" I laughed. Also, the society created in this movie was very much like the one described in Brave New World. The perfect, happy, Political-correctness. The obsessive cleanliness. The loss of true human sexuality, as babies are created scientifically. I'm not going to go do an essay on the deep meaning in this movie, but I do like the connections. :)
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cmspill writes:
Way off subject, but there is a tie in to an earlier movie... Papillon. In Demolition Man, the Warden's name is William Smithers, the warden in Papillon is played by none other than William Smithers.
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IDon'tKnow writes:
Did anyone notice the fact that when Simon was in the armory, he went to a very burly mannequin which held a large gun, and had an ammo belt slung over his shoulder. When he took the gun, he said something like "Thanks, Rambo". Just for those who don't watch Sylvester Stallone movies, the aforementioned action star played as Rambo in all three movies.
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Trotsky writes:
Also, in both 'Demolition Man' and the 'Rambo' movies, Stallone plays a man who's first name is 'John'.
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seajayrun03 writes:
IF, and IF you read bnw then hypnopedia will ring a bell. The reprogramming in cryo state maybe? The warden's glasses are the identical set that Aldous Huxley used to wear. Also, the freezing process (cold #9) was stolen from a Kurt Vonneguet book.
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