Rush Easter Egg - Album Cover Fun

Here are some interesting tidbits about some of the album covers.

1. EXIT..STAGE LEFT - An item from each of the previous nine album covers can be seen on the cover of this live album. Example... the woman holding the curting is the same woman from Permanent Waves. The man with hand in jacket was on Hempisheres. The owl was from Fly By Night. The moving men from Moving Pictures, etc. Most of the image is on the other side of the cover though... a gatefold LP is the best for viewing.

2. PERMANENT WAVES - Peart, Lee, Lifeson are names on the signs in the distance. Look to the right of the girl. The newspaper on the left also was whited out... it said Dewey Defeats Truman but was removed by request from the Chicago Tribune (who have no sense of humor about their infamous mistake).
(Additional FYI - As most of their album covers were by Hugh Syme, you can see some of them at his web site, including the UNEDITED version of this cover, with the "Dewey..." line still visible.)

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  6.7/10 with 64 votes
Contributed By: Dave R. on 10-02-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Copies of the album (preferably on Vinyl -- easier to see some)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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StormRyche writes:
Nothing new. It's actually only stuff from the four albums/CDs that came before Exit. Also, up until their last live album, they were known for doing four studio then a live. Last Live disc containe three cds. Along with the FULL 2112 Suite, And a disc of a show from their Farewell to Kings tour in 1978.
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tomhowand8 writes:
actually, the first person was right... there is an object/person from each of the previous albums back to fly by night; some are on the back cover (inside back of the cd insert)
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Hudman writes:
Actually, every album is represented on Exit...Stage Left, up to Moving Pictures, even the first album.
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Board writes:
On my "Permanent waves" LP (Canadian print) the newspaper says "Dewei defeats Truman". I don't know if it was only on the Canadian print or they just changed Dewey to Dewei???!?!?
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ladderrack writes:
It actually has a reference to all their previous studio albums all the way back to the first. I will list them. Rush-The box that the puppet is sitting on has the Rush logo from the first album Fly By Night- The owl, pretty obvious Caress Of Steel- The painting is the cover of Caress Of Steel 2112- The Starman logo is on the back wall Farewell to Kings- The puppet king is sitting on the box with the first album logo on it Hemispheres- Both Apollo and Dionysus( man in suit and naked man ) are in the backstage area Permanent Waves- The lady holding back the curtain Moving Pictures- The moving men who are moving the picture of Caress Of Steel.
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flurng writes:
O.K., this one's a bit of a stretch, but if it's not intentional, then it's one HELL of a coincidence: At the end of "Grand Finale" from "2112", Neil repeats the phrase "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation" 3 times, followed by "We have assumed control" 3 times. Now, "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation" is 7 words, times 3 = 21, and "We have assumed control" is 4 words, times 3 = 12, hence; 21,12! Also, the repeated motif at the end of "Overture" is borrowed from Tchaikovsky's famous "1812 Overture".
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