X-Files Easter Egg - Fox's Apartment Number

In several episodes, they show the apartment number on Fox Mulder's door. It is 42, the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything produced by Deep Thought in Doug Adams Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy books.

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Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-26-1999
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nutbutter writes:
Not news.... I think in one episode he said that's why he went for that apartment.
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Pez Witch writes:
There were also 42 lesser gods observing at the ancient Egyptian "Weighing of the Heart" ceremony, where the soul of the deceased is judged on its purity by Osiris and Anubis before being allowed to enter the afterlife.
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DeLiRiUm writes:
I found 42 corn flakes underneath my bed once....
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No_Vaccine writes:
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Insidious writes:
Oh my! The 42nd element on the Periodic Table is Molybdenum! Coincidence...or is it?
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Well, I heard in an interview of David Duchovny that 42 would be his age when he will quit The X-Files show...
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X-Phile1220 writes:
Mulder never ever EVER said that that is why he went for the apartment......ever. And yes, David Duchovny is retiring from the X-Files at 41 although he said he would do so at 42 because the apartment number seemed to be an appropriate age.
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Ashley writes:
Everyone who hasn't been living under a rock knows that one. In fact, it was mentioned in a featured MSN article at msn.com yesterday.
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Nick209 writes:
Douglas Adams supposedly used 42 because it crops up a lot (or numbers close to it) in astronomy. eg. The Hubble constant was thought to be about 42.(For those who don't know. The Hubble constant is the rate at which the universe is expanding.) :P
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Jax writes:
Umm no offense guys, but did it ever occur to you that they just picked the number 42 because those were the stage prop letters they had? No use making a mountain over a mole hill.
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oddman writes:
When discussing Ed Wood's "Plan 9 From Outer Space" with Scully, Mulder also mentions to her that he has seen that film "42" times.
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MorPH writes:
And get this, if you add forty and two .. you get 42 :o I agree with Jax, you guys are blowing this way out of proportion.
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