Korn (Korn) Easter Egg - Fight

OK put the cd in your cd player got to the song "DADDY" now forward it past the song until you hear someone talking or just keep listening after the song is over.It sounds like 2 people a man and a woman fighting over somethin a brokedown car part or somethin?? and KORN rules!!!!!

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  6.3/10 with 152 votes
Contributed By: AaronJ on 08-24-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: korn's 1st cd (self titled
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Draco writes:
I just posted a message on the "Follow the Leader" eggs saying the same thing but apparently the arguement is between Munky's parents....dunno if that's true but that's what I heard.
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Mr. Pants writes:
I heard that it was Jon's parents...
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DeLiRiUm writes:
I heard that it was Bill Clinton's parents.
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Fletch writes:
The track's actually a tape that one of the band members found in apartment he rented at the time, and they decided to put it on the album......
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FoELiTe writes:
The fight is from a tape that was at the recording studio that they taped in. They said it in one of the videos that biographies them. Come on people. You like KoRn? Well it doesn't show.
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I don't know if this is true or not, but this is what a friend told me: Okay, Jonathan Davis (vocals) said that the most painful body he had ever saw was a girl that had just been raped by her own dad. And that was them two arguing. Like I said I don't know how true it is, so lets not go getting all smart assed about it. Okay?
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DCyanide writes:
I actually have an Interview with HEAD,that I video taped myself, and it's from a tape that their producer had in his car. As far as who the people are, nobody knows.
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If any real korn fan knew about this, they would know that it wasnt found in a basement, attic, its no ones parents, and that it wasnt found in a car. it was some old tape that was found in the STUDIO that they thought was funny. so they put it on the album
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Devin writes:
hey hevy metal freak thats true it is the most painful thing he's seen. thats really sad the baby was only 10 months old :(
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JP writes:
I think the freakiest thing about the end of the Korn album is that if you leave it playing after Jon finishes crying at the end of Daddy, the counter on your cd player will count down several times, then count up, then count down again, then start making odd symbols with the LCD display before the Argument track starts. This really is wierd as I'm sure CDs can't be made to change the display digits so they don't look like proper numbers anymore.
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JonDsGrl writes:
i just wanted to say that the baby was 11 months (not tryin to be b**chy)
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if you fast foward to the end of ALL the korn albums, there's something there. one is a cover of "earache my eye" and on their second album it's a version of "twist" w/out the music. on their fourth album, though, there's just a minute of static. just goes to show how lame korn has gotten.
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The talk about the raped girl would explain the album cover! i think that the girl on the swing is supposed to represent the young girl and "The shadowman" is supposed to represent the rappist! also there is another link in the song called "Daddy"! The song features a crying girl and the title Daddy (who was the rapist)! it all makes perfect sense if you think about it!Happy hunting!!!
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Sway writes:
Alright, this song is not about the little girl who was raped. The song pretty is about her. This song is about Jonathan. He was raped when he was younger, but it actually wasn't by his father (which is what you would think due to the title) if was someone outside the family. But when he told his parents they though he was joking and thought it couldn't be happening to their son. Just to clear that up.
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Jake_Davis writes:
No. Daddy was indeed about him getting molested by a family friend. Read Jonathan Davis' Bible, his autobiography. His family didn't believe him. He also said his father was a jerk to him. As for the girl getting raped, I think we're getting just a bit overboard.
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werewolf writes:
Johnathan was never raped. I read that on Wikipedia.
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