HP 2100 computers (Old - 1970's) Easter Egg - Easter Egg from 1973 on HP 2100

Could this be the "oldest" computer easter egg?

In Hewlette Packard DOS system for their 2100
(later called 1000 series) mini-computers,
entering the console command:
would return a response of:

This DOS system really only looked at the first
2 characters of commands, and in this case the
programmer implemented this so that the WH
in the command table was also used as part of
the OS code, so it made it difficult to remove.

I discovered this back in 1973 while testing
a binary/ascii dump utility on the system disk
pack (single platter 5MB disk "pack").

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 95 votes
Contributed By: Jeff Reid on 08-25-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Very Old HP 2100 or 1000 series computers
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ahh, I love to hear about the good old days (lol or as I and some remember it, the not so good at times) of computers.
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it's me JD writes:
i could not have came across this because i wasnt around then but i always love to hear about the good old days of computing
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