Dark Star Easter Egg - Dark Star - Wreckage Reveals Egg!

Towards the end of the film, the ship explodes sending the two astronauts who were trying to talk the bomb down hurtling in differnt directions. Clearly doomed, they are able to talk to each other for a few brief moments before losing contact.
Talby is taken by the Pheonix Asteroids and fades away, while some wreckage from the ship drifts by Doolitlle. Look very closely at the door that drifts by him. It says: "Toilet Tank: THX 1138"
THX 1138 was the title of George Lucas' first movie, an expansion of a student short he made while at USC.
John Carpenter shared a class with Lucas, and Dark Star is a similar student short expanded to feature length.
I get the impression he was less than impressed with THX, don't you?

User Rating:
  8.2/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: Truman on 09-07-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Video or DVD/Laserdisc
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Hiroshi writes:
The entire last scene described above was actually adapted from the Ray Bradbury short story "Kaleidoscope". In it, several astronauts have to deal with impending death when their ship explodes and they are sent off in random directions. When I first read the story, I immediately noticed that they are almost identical. Oh, and just because THX-1138 is on a toilet tank doesn't mean it's a sleight towards Lucas. This is a comedy after all.
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