Jaws Easter Egg - Shooting Stars

After Brody fires his pistol at the shark there are a few night shots. In both, a shooting star is plainly visible (optically added in post production - travelling left to right). This was Spielberg's signature forewarning us to 'watch the skies' for his next movie... ("CLOSE ENCOUNTERS" of course).

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  5.3/10 with 67 votes
Contributed By: armiller on 09-04-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VHS/DVD
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fatfews writes:
Actually, Steven Spielberg makes a point of including a shooting star in ALL of his films at some point or another. (NOTE: Only the films he directs, not produces, etc).
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DarkHorse219 writes:
Huh. The story I had always heard was that they were really planes that flew by while they were filming. They tried to take it out in post-production, but did it so poorly that they looked like shooting stars.
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SwampRat writes:
Steven Spielberg DOES indeed include shooting stars in many of his movies. In "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", the scene where Indy is talking with Short Round on the mountain top about the Sankara stones, you will notice a shooting star fly across the sky.
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Kinain writes:
No, it wasn't a plane, he puts the Shooting stars in the movies before a scene where something "bad" happens, the reason being, it is an eastern superstition that a shooting star is a sign of foreboding, this is especially true of the Japanese.
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Kinain -- I don't think it's as much shooting stars as it is hitodama, or "spirit lights." They're balls of light in the sky that are supposed to be a sign that the witness of the Hitodama will die soon.
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Evilpom writes:
i think i remeber them saying it was a real meteor
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Trevor writes:
The shooting stars in Steves films are an homage to his father of which he and his father used to skygaze when he was a kid.
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