Billy Madison Easter Egg - Name on the Poster

On the part when Adam Sandler calls the Danny McGrath, the kid he picked on in high school, after they both get off the phone, while Danny is crossing off Bill's name off the people to kill list, the list is actually people that worked on the movie. Look at the credits to see for sure.

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  5.8/10 with 207 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-17-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A pause button/slo-mo button on dvd/vcr
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Cartman writes:
Not just one of the director's OR the producers, much of the important crew, was posted on that list. All of the names are slightly altered in spelling. So there!
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Simlvr writes:
Who really cares??
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Ben writes:
I Agree! :)
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dmbfan writes:
this is off the message subject, but at the part where the kids visit principal Anderson's house, if you look REALLY close in the background in his house, you can see a shadow going by...again, watching it on DVD helps.
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KenDaLL WoLf writes:
Why is the shadow scene posted in EVERY one of these?????
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S.I.R. Meri writes:
Did you guys not stop to think that perhaps this isn't actually an egg, and they just didn't feel like making up names? If I were making a movie and needed about 7 names, I'd do that, too.
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Ciara writes:
Hey, I was watching Billy Madison, and when Billy is in his dad's office/room explaining why Eric shouldn't get the company, you see a fee photos of Billy, which is in reality actual photo's of Baby Adam Sandler, there's some on the dad's desk and one or two on the bookshelf in the back.
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PoP cHiK writes:
I've noticed that B4 too! If you scan the credits at the beginning, the associate producer (I believe that's what he is!) is named Fitch Cady. At the scene where he calls Danny McGrath (Steve Buscemi), the name Fitch Cadyton appears on the list. You think they could have come up with some more original names, huh?
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lilpunkbunny writes:
did you know that that guy with the list is in ALL of Adam Sandler's movies. Rob Snyder is also in MOST of his movies. stupid little fact, that i just had to post.
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kinnington writes:
Don't know whether anyone's bothered or not (don't comment on that) but Adam Sandler has a clique of friends who are actors who appear in most if not all of his movies.
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Tim writes:
Two things...I have not noticed Steve Buscemi in 'Happy Gilmore', is he even in that movie?...And when Billy and his friends put the bag of dog poop on Old Man Clemens' doorstep, one of the first things the old man says is, "What in the judas priest?" I don't know what that's about, maybe Sandler likes Judas Priest or something?
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Ganee writes:
When Billy calls the guy to say sorry you can hear a phone ringing in the background, even before billy is done dialing his number...
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ren&stimpy writes:
hey, in case most of you haven't noticed in most Adam Sandler movies, the same people appear. most of them were actually on the SNL cast with him. I'm not saying all of them were, but he kept contact with most of them and puts them in his movies. sometimes they appear on his CDs too.
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g1rl writes:
Did you notice that in most or all of his movies, his girlfriends first and last name usually start with a V? (Veronica Vahn, Vicki Valencourt)
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rip_meatball writes:
Steve Buscemi is definitly not in all of Sandler's movies, and Schneider is in even less. There are people in most all of Sandler's movies, but these are actually friends of his who aren't really even actors. Such as Peter Dante and Jonathan Loughran. The person in the most Sandler movies would have to be Allen Covert being in 13 movies together. Starting with Sandler's little known movie Going Overboard in 1989, Covert has been in all of Sandler's movies except for Billy Madison, Coneheads, and Punch Drunk Love. Buscemi on the other hand missed Going Overboard, Mixed Nuts, Happy Gilmore, Bulletproof, Waterboy, Punch Drunk Love, and 8 Crazy Nights. And Schneider has only been in 6 as he made his first appearance in a Sandler film in The Waterboy, 9 years after Sandler's first movie.
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