Billy Madison Easter Egg - "Double Credits"

In the middle of the movie, right before the school deal is off, when Billy and his friends are watching that show on tv with the dog who talks and says "speak for yourself moron", and the news comes on, you can see the name of the director and producer on the end credits of that "dog"-show on tv. The best thing is if you have it on DVD, because you can pause it really well, but it should work on VHS too. By the way on the DVD it's chapter 10. Not a great egg, but kinda funny though, probably the only one in that movie.

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 91 votes
Contributed By: Gabe on 08-02-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Just the VHS or DVD to pause
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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sarah writes:
Billy calls a boy he picked on in high school to apologize, and they show him crossing Billy's name off his little "revenge list", but you see another name on the list, Billy's enemy(the one who is trying to get the money), which gets shot in the end from the dork from high school, looks like he forgot to call and apologize.
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Sean writes:
After the principal makes the t.v. statement and the kids arrive at his house, watch behind the principal. If you look into the house, you can see a shadow going across the stairs and hallway. Try looking for this and tell me what you think!
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Mizz. Mauve writes:
Very good point Sarah!!! His name is Steve Buscemi and he is THE best. I mean it doesn't get any better than that. ^_^
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coasterfreke writes:
Yeah, it took me a while to see that, but I really have no clue what that is. I would really like that explained.
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FoxiBri writes:
The shadow in the back ground might be a slip up. It might be a camera man or anyway who works backstage
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LorBee76 writes:
I grew up with Veronica Vahn (Bridgette Wilson Samparas) More fact than egg but Pete Samparas thought she was so hot in that movie he had "his people call her people" for a date!
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