Vigil in a Wilderness of mirrors - Fish. Easter Egg - Skyline Drifters

For any one interested in Fish (ex-Marillion) get a hold of a copy of "Vigil" & look on the "hill" double spread picture(not sure about he CD version).
On the left hand side at the bottom is a toxic waste can with a Jesters hat hanging out of it & the words "Farewell(??) Skyline Drifters"...Fish asked Mark Willinson to add these, why??
The jester should be obvious to a Marillion fan ("Vigil" was Fish's 1st solo album, so long the Jester??) & "Skyline Drifters" was the name Marillion played under when they made it big...

User Rating:
  7.5/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: The ReV on 07-20-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The inside doeble spred of the album.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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jp writes:
The exact words on the waste can are Welcome Skyline Drifters. The symbol on the waste can stands for biological hazard. Pretty fishy isn't it..
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difbrook writes:
Hi! thought I'd add my thoughts to this one. It's been amended on more recent issues of the album - presumably since Fish has mellowed considerably over the whole split from the band, but... on the original issue of Vigil, if you look closely at the very bottom of the "hill" you'll see two characters huddled over a brazier. They're wearing some very unflattering rags. One of them is Marillion's ex-manager John Arnison, and the other's keyboardist Mark Kelly. On the reissue, Mark's been replaced by a bloke in a mask, and the other's now a fat bloke in a business suit. Subtle, huh? ;-) best, Walt
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Hans writes:
If I'm not mistaken the Skyline Drifters was a pseudonym the band used when playing try-out concerts back in the Fish days. They have also used "The Low Fat Yoghurts" as a pseudonym in the Hogarth days.
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