Rescuers Down Under, The (Disney) Easter Egg - Mickey

1. The part where the boy finds the eggs, they are Mickey shaped

2. When they are riding the squirrel, they land in a bush shaped like Mickey

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  3.5/10 with 26 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-13-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: eyes
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Red writes:
Squirrel? What Squirrel? I recently saw this movie on video, with my nephew and I didn`t see any squirrel.
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Hidasta writes:
The squirrel is a FLYING squirrel for all of you who obviously don't know the difference. This is the scene where the mice have just entered the "airport", just so you know.
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chickenpants writes:
Actually, it's a sugar glider, we don't have flying squirrels in Australia, but other than that, good spotting.
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