Lost World: Jurassic Park Easter Egg - Steven Spielberg Makes a Hidden Appearance

OK, at the end when they're watching CNN on the television you can see the reflection of Steven Spielberg in the TV screen

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  7.0/10 with 80 votes
Contributed By: Brian on 08-15-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A copy of the Lost World (movie)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Tommeke writes:
Steven Spielberg wears a white shirt and you can also see that the characters are sitting in a complete different way than in the next shot... AWESOME!
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shady87 writes:
Actually, I would say that's a slip-up/blooper whatever. Obviously when Steven Speilberg was directing his image was "accidentally" reflected on the TV screen.
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hamlet518 writes:
That's not true. Spielburg has a habit of making an cameo in all his movies. This was where he fit into this one.
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Yes, Steven Spielberg did mean to make an appearance. He was sitting on the couch watching with the other two or three cast members. This is a great egg.
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