Invisible Man, The (2000) Easter Egg - Doctors Who...?

In the premiere episode of the series, there are two buried Doctor Who in-jokes.

The first: When Darian Fawkes meets the team of scientists that will be working with him, he is introduced to Doctors "Baker, McGann, Hartnell, and Troughton." These are 5 of the actors who have played the Doctor on Doctor Who (there were two different Bakers).

The second: Later, Fawkes uses half of a calling card as a password to meet his spy/partner. The card has the name "I.M. Forman" on it. This is the name of the owner of the junkyard that the Doctor lives in, in the very first episode of Doctor Who - "An Unearthly Child."

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  8.2/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: Steve Crow on 06-28-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Freeze frame, knowledge of Doctor Who
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Other Doctor Who in-jokes in this episode: the magazine cover about Darien Fawkes' brother has an article titled "Time and Relative Dimensions in Space", which is the time machine on Doctor Who (called the TARDIS for short). Another article title is "Winning the Game of Rassilon"; Rassilon was the founder of the Time Lords, and the Game of Rassilon was in the Doctor Who story "The Five Doctors".
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