Whole Nine Yards, The Easter Egg - Mattew Perry's Hometown

In the scene where Mattew Perry is mowing his lawn as Bruce Willis is moving in nextdoor, he is wearing an Ottawa Senator's shirt. (As he is living in Montreal, the home of the great Montreal Canadians this is a bit odd.)<BR><BR>
This is because Mattew Perry was born and grew up in Ottawa, sort of a little "Hi, hometown.".

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 82 votes
Contributed By: ReadbackMonkey on 06-24-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the movie
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RedWing19 writes:
It's more than a 'hi hometown'. Everybody knows Perry is a huge Senators fan so that's a pretty sketchy egg, kind of like all of the Laker merchandise in the Fletch (Chevy Chase) series of movies.
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Claude writes:
The "Great Montreal Canadian"? Well, with their performance since four or five years, it's some kind of normal he doesn't wear their shirt. Believe me, we dind't see Hab's shirt in town for years! (Sorry for my spelling but I live in this "great" club town where the official language is french)
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Pwitty writes:
Just because in the movie he comes from that province doesnt mean he has to wear their merchandise. I am from North Carolina and I hate the Hornets and the Panters and the Hurricanes. I like the Lakers, the Vikings and the Redwings but does that make me have to wear the North Carolina teams stuff?
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JDfrmDC writes:
Matt Perry is from Massachusetts.
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