Wacom Tablet Easter Egg - Wacom Engineering Mascot

-Go to Wacom Tablet Properties
-While pressing Ctrl, go to "About" in the Help menu.

Some funny story there!!

User Rating:
  6.9/10 with 95 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Tablet Driver Ver. 4.51 and ?
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

This is what the egg looks like on OSX the software originally ran under Win 95, It still works with Win XP
This is what the egg looks like on OSX the software originally ran under Win 95, It still works with Win XP

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Blue Streak writes:
It works! The mascot looks like a plastic toy dinosaur. The message reads: "Whack'em - the Wacom Engineering mascot and trouble maker. Occasionally known for evil and mischief, Whack=em is actually a very good friend of mine. You see, when George is walking around the office without any shoes on, it's Whack'em who's there looking out for the rest of us. He either lets us know of the danger, and we can vacate the premises, or, if that isn't feasible, he spreads thumbtacks on the floor where George is about to walk. It usually takes George a few days to recover before he can wear shoes and walk normally again. Then his wife beats him with a frying pan for ruining another good pair of socks. You should see all of the dented cast iron pans she has. Have fun using your Wacon Tablet!"
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frankc writes:
Odd... didn't get the specified stuff, but I did get a really neat diagnostics window to pop up with all sorts of info about my tablet...
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nocivebrain writes:
This easter egg also works with the WACOM My-Volito Tablet (driver version 4.97) - tablet properties > Ctrl + About button - this gives live infos about your tablet activity such as ; current coordinates, pressure level etc..
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