4p (danzig) Easter Egg - Secret Song

skip to track 66 on the cd tracker and a wierd scary "hym" sort of song should start. its very disturbing considdering the over all "satan-metal" feel to the CD

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 40 votes
Contributed By: jerry only wanna-be on 06-19-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: danzig 4p CD and a CD player
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GaZH writes:
I've listened to it many times, but I never listened to it backwards. I can hear sounds that seem to come out backwards, and I think it might have more to it backwards than forwards. If anyone knows what does it do BW, let me know...
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Skulduggery writes:
In the beginning of the song there is a couple of backward lyrics. If you play this part in reverse it's Glen Danzig saying,"ok lets hear it in reverse."
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