Jaws Easter Egg - Woman at Beginning

In the beginning of Jaws, when the girl goes swimming and gets killed by the shark. The crew actually had a cable rope tied to her from the shoreline, and when they were pulling her as if being attacked by the shark,she actually broke a rib and so she was actually screaming in pain genuinely!

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  6.3/10 with 198 votes
Contributed By: Shaun Barry on 08-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: vcr
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shawn writes:
This should be trivia, not an Easter Egg because number one, they didn't break her ribs on purpose and number two, nobody can tell by watching the movie, you have to find out from another source. Therefore it is trivia.
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Emily writes:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a falsehood, because I saw an interview with that woman yesterday on a Making of Jaws video recently being sold, and she said that during that scene, when the people were dragging her back and forth on the cords, all she would have to do was pull one of the strings attached, and all the cables would immediately be free from her. They added this precaution because they realized they wouldn't be able to tell if she got hurt because she was screaming already. She would have to have been an idiot to go through enough thrashing that her back broke when all she had to do was pull a string to get free.
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Shaun Barry writes:
Well... I also saw this on a Making of Jaws documentary once... And they definetly mentioned about the lady breaking her rib, and then bringing her back ashore. They kept the sound in, as it sounded more authentic (ironically) than the way she was screaming acting....
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Sam writes:
Actually, both have been said. On the Jaws web site, they said something about it being broken. And another interview with the lady, she said that she felt like it was broken but, she was really being jerked by two people underwater and they pulled too hard.
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Milnest*r writes:
Also, Lip readers complained at this scene because she swears quite profusely (which was dubbed over), i guess because they broke her rib.
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movienut writes:
The reason they got Susan Backlinie to play Chrissie was because (1) she was a professional stunt woman working in water, could handle this kind of situation and would be prepared if any problem should arise. (2) She had enough acting ability to carry-off the scene.(3) She was attractive and had a great body.She never broke a rib.She could pull a cable at any time and set herself free.Spielberg was actually responsible for the very last jerk down.
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