Significant Other (Limp Bizkit) Easter Egg - Graffiti Show

Put in the cd. Now go to my computer and double click. Now click on movie and you should get a video of people painting the limp bizkit cover of the new album on a city wall

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 113 votes
Contributed By: insano(Bum) on 08-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD Significant Other (Limp Bizkit)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Dylan Rush writes:
I think the person painting it may be Fred Durst - watch when he runs up to the camera.
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Angel writes:
it is not fred durst doing the thing on the wall. on one scene in the movie, whoever is going it, is up on the ladder, and then fred comes out and like waves his arms or something, then runs off.
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Jimmeny Cook writes:
Its actually John Otto. And how is this an egg when it says on the case and on the CD that it has been digitally enhanced and that it needs windows opperating system?
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Sebastian writes:
Another thing to add to your conclusions: -It's spelled Significant Other -It is the actual cover, If you look closely at the bottom left corner, you can see a plug (this is seen on the video and the front cover) -If anyone would be drawing it, it would be Wes since he's an artist and designed most of the first CD BUT it isn't him, just some random artists
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Hey this is an eeggcelent egg and it is a random artist
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This eegg will not work on th united kingdom edition with the bonus tracks
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roces1021 writes:
the person drawing "significant other" is not Fred. it is the same person that drew the picture. i know this because if you look closely at the drawer he is usually wearing a plaid button down shirt. when he is drawing "significant other" he is wearing the shirt and Fred pops out wearing a black sweat shirt. also about 1 minute 13 seconds into the movie a blob pops out for a split sec. that is fred because awhile later Fred pops up in the same spot in the same position but in color.
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Jenn writes:
ACTUALLY, the guy who pops up is NOT Fred Durst. If you dont believe me, which most of you probably dont, then you can go to this website where I took a screen shot of the movie. Enjoy being wrong. go to: it's kinda dark but you can obviously tell it's not Fred.
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sibe writes:
Did Fred take credit for it? If not, who really cares who did it.
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