HP 95LX, 100LX, 200LX Easter Egg - Three Poems in HP Palmtop PCs

With the palmtop off, hold down [Esc] and press [On]. The palmtop enters its ROM-based self-test mode. (Warning! Do NOT run the Plug-in Card test on a flash card - it will destroy data! This test is meant for older SRAM cards only!)
Cursor down to the Display test, then...

For HP 95LX, 100LX and 200LX:
Press [Enter] 14 times to step through the display modes, and you will see a limerick about a caveman.

For 100LX and 200LX:
Press [Ctrl]+[Enter], then hold down [Alt] while pressing [Enter] 13 times. You will see a cryptic poem, presumably about troubles the HP developers went through.

For 200LX:
Press [Ctrl]+[Enter], then hold down [Shift] while pressing [Enter] 13 times. You will see a poem about Jaguar, Cougar and Felix (the codenames for the 95LX, 100LX and 200LX).

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 35 votes
Contributed By: Bruce in Toronto on 06-14-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Very nice - I like the "Felis Concolor" egg (Alt plus enter 13 times)... For those who are interested, "Felis Concolor" is the Latin name for the cougar.
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