Rogue Squadron Easter Egg - Play As Episode I Fighter

1. Type in HALIFAX? as your passcode
2. Selcet Enter Code
3. Type in !YNGWIE!
4. Select Enter Code again

You now can use the yellow fighter from The Phantom Menace

To deactivate the code (why anyone would do that I don't know), type HALIFAX? as your passcode then anything for the second one.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 110 votes
Contributed By: Mike Bakes on 08-11-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Rogue Squadron for either PC or N64
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Magic Tiger writes:
For the PC version, this is actually an optional download (or was) off of the game's website
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Big D writes:
What do you mean "or was"?
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me writes:
When I last checked this was called a "Cheat."
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tim writes:
Some people actually don't make nintendo look like a cheap ripoff cause they posted this in a special edition of nintendo power.
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mathbo writes:
That sounds funny because when the game came out in stores, the movie The Phantom Menace wasn't in theaters!
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r@BiD-@nT writes:
Well, "Me", you checked wrong... it's a legit update for the game that fixes up some bugs and adds the episode 1 fighter as an avalable craft after finishing a level... really, if it was a "Cheat", would they be posting a big picture of the fighter on the download page and stating that it is in the update? it is an add on, it doesn't give you an unfair advantage, so it cannot be a cheat, if you've ever played doom and seen all of it's mods you'd know what i was on about (and don't somebody post about doom being able to be modified by anyone, you get the point...)
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flatmatt writes:
It is a cheat because all you have to do to get it is type in a password. Normally, you would have to beat some levels. And, in the N64, you must use the passcode.
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8-bit kid writes:
This is a very interesting cheat. As mentioned before, this DID come out with the Naboo Starfighter months before Episode 1 was even known to exist by the public. also, I never heard of this code until exactly 2 months AFTER the movie came out. I learned of it from i believe a special issue of Nintendo Power for members who have had the magazine since it came out or something like that.
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