World According to Garp, The Easter Egg - Aviator Author

While Helen and Garp are house-hunting with the real-estate lady, a small plane crashes into the 2nd story of the house, "predisastering" the house for the couple. The pilot is in fact John Irving, the author of the novel.
(I'm not sure if this scene was even in the book... I don't remember it.)

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  6.6/10 with 11 votes
Contributed By: TheQueenMab on 06-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: just a copy of the tape...
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Mitch Wagner writes:
Actually, that's not true - George Roy Hill, the director of "Garp," plays the pilot. John Irving, the author of the novel "Garp," plays the wrestling referee. The scene where the plane crashes into the house ("Mind if I use your phone?") is not in the novel. Also not in the novel is another scene that's supposed to be a re-enactment of a short story written by Garp, which involves a pianist in a tree with a magic glove - or something like that, it's been a few years since I've seen the movie myself. Instead, in the book, there was a short story called "The Pension Grillparzer," which Irving sold the movie rights for independently of "Garp." As far as I know, "The Pension Grillparzer" was never made into a TV show or movie. In the book, Garp and his mother go to Vienna; in the movie, they go to New York's Greenwich Village, which I think was a bad change, but then again I never won an oscar for "Good Will Hunting" so what do I know?
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avidan writes:
As far as I remember, this scene is in the book.
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