WKRP in Cincinnati Easter Egg - Band-Aid

In each episode Les Nesman has a Bandaid on somewhere (i.e. face,hands,clothing)

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  5.2/10 with 109 votes
Contributed By: Gary Henagan on 08-08-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Steve Crow writes:
We eventually find out the purported reason for the band-aids is because Les has a huge (and unseen dog) in his apartment. The one or two times we get a glimpse of his home-life, he puts on huge amounts of protective gear (and carries a dog-dish the size of a large mixing bowl) just to feed the thing.
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Tiggerbounc writes:
There's a story behind this one. Before shooting the first episode, the actor who plays Les, Richard Sanders, was hit in the head with a lighting fixture. When he got back from the hospital, they tried to cover up the bandage and the scar but could never get it right. So they left the bandage on and it turned into a running gag.
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