Brady Bunch, The Easter Egg - Most Popular Boy

I'm sure most of us remember the episode in which Jan is elected the most popular girl at her school, and how she later goes to the school dance with the most popular boy, who's name is Billy Garst. Next time you watch the Brady Bunch, read the credits at the end. The film editor is credited as Bill E. Garst!

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  4.7/10 with 290 votes
Contributed By: DarkBunnyofInle on 05-23-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: tv, or good memory
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Ramla writes:
That's so funny! Somebody's modest...LOL
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gadge writes:
They are actually referring to Bill's son, Billy, who was about six years old at the time. We were neighbors.
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T writes:
I just love how producers "play" on names in the dialogues! I have another one: On the last episode where Carol and Bobby are sitting on the steps, Bobby is moaning about being a failure. Carol then asked him "if Carl Mahakian" ever gave up, to which Bobby asked, "Carl Mahakian--who's he?" If you look closely at the closing credits, that name is there. One more: on the broken vase episode, where Peter is leaving for the camping trip, Mr. Brady calls out, "Hi, Doug!". Later, Mrs. Brady says, "Mr. Kramer is waiting". Put the two names together and you have "Doug Kramer". That name also appears in the closing credits. Pretty sneaky, huh?
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