Kinkade, Thomas Easter Egg - Hidden Letter

The letter "N" is hidden in almost all of Thomas Kinkade's paintings. I believe it is his wife's initial. It is typically on a mailbox or in a brick on a walkway. Most of the time it is easy to find.

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Contributed By: Meredith Missroon on 08-06-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Eyes
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In the red ring.
In the red ring.

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ESCutler writes:
This is true. Actually, there is a single number next to his "signature" stamp at the bottom of every painting that indicates how many "N"s are hidden in that particular painting. The "N" stands for Nanette, his wife. He also often puts her name and his 4 daughters' names in paintings on street signs, shop names, etc. In pieces with alot of people in them, he will almost always put the faces of his family in the crowd, and he often puts in a man painting a picture, representing himself. These things makes his paintings even more interesting to study!
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Sheryl writes:
I was recently told that along with himself and his family being portrayed in his paintings with people in them that he also includes Norman Rockwell among the crowd, he's usually found in the bottom left side, you might see him with a pipe. As it was told to me, Norman Rockwell was artistic idol and he includes his image as a tribute to his influence.
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Peter Roach writes:
In addition, there is a number in the area around Kincaide's signature. That number tells the number of "N"s that appear. Also, as to his daughters' names, whenever you see a small boat, look ont he back of it for one of the girls' names. They each have their own color, and the read one is the most common.
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Another interesting tidbits about almost all of Kinkade's paintings: If there are houses in the painting, all the lights are always on. As I was told, Mr. Kinkade grew up in a home where he would often come home to a dark house, a house that didn't convey love and emotion. In his paintings, Kinkade paints all the houses with the lights on to convey that, yes, there is someone home, and they love you. =)
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Swany writes:
Another thing, Thomas Kinkade is known as "the painter of light" so next time you are at one of his galleries you can usually find a light dimmer that controls one of the lights pointing at his painting. When you dim it, it seems as if the lights in the house or wherever get brighter and the shadows seem to shift! My sister showed this to me when we went to a Thomas Kindkade gallerie, one of the staff told us thats why he is the painter of light!
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fats writes:
Awesome! My sister LOVES Thomas Kinkade paintings!
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Tristan writes:
There is also usualy three birds or three animals of some type. Thomas is a christian painter so, if my memories are correct, those are supposed to represent the father, son, and holy ghost.
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