Orgazmo Easter Egg - Cannibal Classic

1- When Joe's girlfriend sees Orgazmo in the video store, she passes the "Classic Movie" section. 2.- On the shelf in the classic section, Cannibal: The Musical is sitting there. If you don't know, cannibal is the first movie orgazmo director (and south park co-creator)ever made (aside form animated shorts.)

User Rating:
  6.8/10 with 36 votes
Contributed By: Chip on 08-06-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: To be 17, or have the R-rated version.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Thmazz writes:
How is this really an egg. Every body that makes movies likes to promote thier previous works. They also did this in the X-files movie.
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leeThal writes:
also, when she first walks into the store, cannibal is playing on the tv screen she sees orgasmo on, trey is singing "when i was on top of you" and the audio is the "cyclops/sheep" scene
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