Friends Easter Egg - Auditioners

In the last scene where Joey is auditioning as Holden McGroin, the three auditioners are the FRIENDS executive producers Marta Kauffman, Kevin S Bright and David Crane

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  5.5/10 with 242 votes
Contributed By: Nicola on 05-14-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The One With the Fake Monica
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shamrock writes:
In a lot of the 'Friends' books, there are pictures of the directors. Also, the crew regularly make appearences on the show (eg in the season finale set in London, when Joey is sitting on the bus Marta Kaufmann in behind him.)
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Shainna writes:
Well, one reason people can tell what they look/sound like is from interviews and that Discovery channel documentary. I've seen a lot of interviews and the documentary, that's definitely them.
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ar0008 writes:
hee hee. Holden McGroin. I never caught that one. :)
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AndyG writes:
They used this audition name, as When Matt LeBlanc (Joey) actually made an audition tape for f.r.i.e.n.d.s, his first line was "Hello! I'm Holden McGroin!" and he actually was!!!
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