Mellon Collie (Smashing Pumpkins) Easter Egg - Galapagos Hidden Message

1.) listen to the pumpkins' album, mellon collie and the infinite sadness. 2.) get to the song galapagos. 3.) About half way through the song, there's a quiet instrumental part, but if you listen closely or crank up your stereo, you can hear billy saying, "i'm sorry i put you through this ****. i'm sorry, i'm sorry.........i'm sorry, i'm sorry...... wishes." and the music starts up again. the message was actually to his wife whom of which he divorced.

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  7.1/10 with 381 votes
Contributed By: lacey doyle on 08-04-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: mellon collie and the infinite sadness cd
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Teria writes:
It starts at 3:23 into the song, to be specific.
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jonatj writes:
The album Machina - Machines of the Gods has the audio from a supposedly recorded psychiatric session. Its in the song Glass and the Ghost Children. Its part of the song and not a hidden easter egg. At about 4 and a half minutes into the song Billy says: "so, it's all very obtuse, because so like I don't know (fade out) like I start thinking that everything I operate on is based upon what i think God was telling me to do. God speed, my intuition, whatever but I always assume, I always assume the voice I hear is the voice of God and I started thinking, what if I'm insane? So I'm operating on the premise that I'm hearing the voice of God or what I perceive God to be speaking (Shrink - "uh huh") to me or through me but maybe I'm completely in~..., so all my half demigodery in my life about me thinking that my life has importance and might, might my thought of it (recorder rewind) and the fact that I believe that I am following my intuition which in and of itself might be completely false, so then I started freaking out,(recorder rewind) which in and of itself might be completely false, maybe I am this totally insane creature who believes he is acting upon kind of heavenly intuition but meanwhile he's totally rampant and I started thinking maybe that this is cause of all the negativity against me. (recorder rewind) (repeat until fade out into the rest of the song)
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