All the Hype Money Can Buy (Five Iron Frenzy) Easter Egg - Reverse Music

To access this e-egg insert the cd and on the first song hit rewind this will back the cd up to about -7 seconds and then play a little "Whats up" made by the band...

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 72 votes
Contributed By: Alex Deeley on 05-01-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The new CD: All the Hype Money Can Buy... and a cd player that can go in reverse... like...rewind.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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OnionLee writes:
Well, in one of the other CD's(I forgot the name. It's them live.) they have - seconds before all the songs and they all play automatically before the song on my CD player. The band talks, dedicates, and explain the songs. But still, the band is cool.
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Skillz writes:
First of all, for those who have a copy of the album, look on the back of the CD. The first track is numbered as 0 and what's the title? "What's Up" of course is the name of that track, so it would seem obvious to skip backwards on track 1 of the disc.
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