Brazil Easter Egg - Smoking Man at Shang-Ri La Towers

Terry Gilliam directed this movie (Brazil) and worked on the screenplay (I think). Anyway, what you might not have known is that he made a cameo appearance in the movie as the Smoking man at Shang-ri La Towers. If you don't remember, the Shang-ri La Towers is the scene with Mrs. Buttle (What have you do with his body???!!!) and Sam where he gives her the check. You also see Terry again when he and sam bump into each other in the hall while Sam is racing to find his love. Enjoy!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: SeaGerl on 04-27-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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SeaGerl writes:
I'm not sure if this is right or not so I decided instead of putting it in the above part I'd put it here. I'm not sure about it that's why its a comment. I think you may also see the same person (Tery Gilliam, Smoking Man, director) when Sam goes to get his car and see's that guy run to a motercycle. I think the guy was Gilliam but I dont know for sure.
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Kotten writes:
That´s Gilliam allright! No doubt.
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Oliver writes:
The name "Brazil" was actually chosen one night by the director. The working title of the movie was infact "South American Dream" but changed it because this name is already used in a Blue movie. I know this becuase i worked on the set.
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