13 (die aerzte) Easter Egg - Secret Song

After you have entered the CD into your player, push the "search backwards" button until it does not go backward any more. The CD then plays a secret first song, an alternative version of "Lady".

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 80 votes
Contributed By: MorpheusSleeps on 04-26-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Megmeg writes:
Hey, that's cool! BTW, does anyone know what is said at the beginning of the first track, "Punk ist..."? I've tried to translate it, but my German is not so good.
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Hubert writes:
Does anybody know who did the original of "Lady" ??
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j4k3 writes:
the old man in the beginning of 'punk ist...' says: "Sie ahnten ja nicht, was ihnen bevor stand..." which means "the didn't know what they had to go through...". in german it can also be taken as a hint for the hidden track. there's another sample that sounds like played reversed on the beginning of 'angeber'. actually its not played reversed, its just the phrase 'acht-an-abl-ah' which is pretty good known by die ärzte fans in germany. its a misspelling that rod did on a concert, which he now says pretty often on concerts. on the beginning of 'party stinkt' theres a dialog between two guys: "da ist eine sache, die ich ihnen schon längst mal sagen wollte:..." - "äh... ich kenne sie garnicht. ich seh sie heute zum ersten mal." - "du stinkst!" ("theres someting i wanted to tell you for a long time:..." - "err... i don't know you. i met you for the first time today." - "you stink!"). this is homer and mr. milhouse, taken from the german version of 'the simpsons'. its that episode where homer and marge almost divorced, i forgot the name. 'lady' not a coverversion of an other song, but the beginning sounds pretty much like the 'run like hell' by pink floyd (from the album 'the wall').
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