Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson) Easter Egg - I'm Evil, Believe It

If you play "The Beautiful People" backwards, during the part where he's actually saying those words, he will say "I'm Evil, believe it.". Having experimented with this, I discovered that if you record yourself saying it, in a similar style to Manson, and play it backwards, It still works. I'm guessing this was probably what the whole song is based on, as, a)You know Manson, and b)"The beautiful people" has no real links to the rest of the song.

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Contributed By: Nephthys Malvitae on 04-26-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Richie writes:
I've posted a brilliant example of this on my website @ - then click in the lost in music link at the top of the page. It is complete with before and after wave files, if you can't be bothered trying it out for yourself!
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Aevin writes:
You know Richie my boy, you may have something here. If you don't believe him go to his site the proofs all there. I'm evil Believe it.
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i reversed the whole song and its like listening to a whole new song it actually is listentoable
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r1965 writes:
That's only the tip of the iceberg! listen to the lines "hey, you what do you see..." those four lines backwards are: "You don't stand a chance against me, You don't have a way out, You all must praise us, It's the only way out." that is creepy.
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This is not just appliable to Manson, and it is probably accidental... This is a new theory called "reverse speech" its a recording of your mind speaking, so he actually is thinking those lines when he sings it! you should check this one out! (hear George Bush jr say "hide the filthy nigger!")
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OMNIpotus writes:
Right around the part where he says "Some of them want to use you/Some of them want to be abused" I could swear I heard "Become one of us". It's even more interesting because the way Manson says "use you" is like "you you" and he draws out one of the s's. Check it out.
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This also occurs on A Perfect Circle's album, Mer DE Noms--or Sea Of Names. It occurs on the last track, Renholder--reversed at :23 second in it says, Danny Lohner, which spelled backwards is rehnhold or D Lohner... weird eh? BTW Mansonites, Danny Lohner is Trent Reznor's Guitarist...
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Spooky writes:
"Renholder" isn't the last track on Mer De Noms.. o_O "Over" is.
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jdpoo writes:
I'd just like to say that most of you are dead sh*t's that don't know what you're talking about. Marilyn Manson is a product HE IS NOT EVIL, though he does have good music. and for "OMNIpotus", you're thinking of "sweet dreams", which is on "smells like children", not "anti-Christ".
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Chris writes:
on the 'nobodies' I have always thought he was saying 'TWO children died the otherday' instead of 'SOME children died...'. I have the import version and it has an acoustic version of this song which you can hear it distinctly. Very creeepy when you look at the Devil card... and when you consider this song is about colombine...
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Tyler Durden writes:
its not about columbine
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Murray writes:
This comment is to do with Chris's point about "the nobodies" acoustic. Instead of singing "when we're dead, they'll know just who we are" manson sings "WE'RE dead, they'll know just who we are". Connection to Columbine?
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Oziel writes:
Well.. there is another egg at the song, but it doesnt need back masking.. just takes a nice hearing.. it´s the sounds at the beginning.. you can hear "snoop down on the town" and then "killed everyone who wasnt beautiful" that phrase is from another Manson song, i am sorry the title can´t come to my mind right now
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Lita-2x writes:
me and a mate found this out when we did the rind thing on a cd and it freaked us out at first!
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Lita-2x writes:
MM said he did this cos it's what people would expect from him and he wanted to wind them up!
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ruth writes:
the song is not about colombine....don't be silly....
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Refering back to where it's said that the line "The Beautiful People" has nothing to do with this song.... Have any of you Manson fans actually taken the time to learn about the serial killer from which Marilyn took his last name? On the door on the house at one of the Charles Manson murders, the words "How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?" was written in blood. THAT quote was taken from a Beatles song, but I can't remember the name of it right now.
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blacroosa writes:
for heirophant.....that phrase was never written anywhere at any of the manson murder sites. the only things written in blood at these sites was healter skelter, death to the pigs and pigs. the phrase never occurred in any beatles tunes, either. the album that charlie manson got his messages from was the white album, the only really hard album the beatles ever released.
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The line 'The Beautiful People' have everything to do with the song...he is talking about what the media wants...'It's all relative to the size of your steeple'. The word steeple means a mans genitals or a females breast what the media wants...GET IT?
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zvezda writes:
In tourniquet the backwards talking at the begining is "this is my most vulnerable moment" manson recorded this in the midst of his crippling deppresion while recording antichrist superstar (when he said that phrase he was on the verge of a total mental break down, in fact he started crying at one of the recording sessions, he wasnt really sure what was happening at first, namely because he hadnt cried in so long) at nothing records studios in new orleans. also about the beautiful people, my particular take on the steeple line is that as far as many christians are concerend (im not one of them) the size of a churches steeple shows how rich that church is, the more money the higher the steeple, though i can understand the idea of it representing a phallace(spelling? oh and it means p*nis [which means dick]) it is after all very phalic. Also the reference to excrement (crap) on the knees refers to prayer. though my favorite instance of back masking occurs in mindless self indulgance's backmask, the backwards talking in that song was things like "clean your room" and "do your homework".
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Gem writes:
a)you obviously don't know manson... beautiful people has no other relivence to the song?? Don't you think that maybe it could be a tribute to his influences(the beatles) who also have a song that says"how does it feel to be one of the beautiful people"... i know that manson is an artist of research who throws in references all through his work... maybe you should follow his example and do some research!
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That line "How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?" is from the Beatles song-Baby Your A Rich Man
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vendetta writes:
~blacroosa, um no, you're wrong. it does appear in a beatles song as stated below. and no its not from the white album either, its off of yellow submarine.
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Jake_Davis writes:
No... When played backwards, it is the exact same thing. Beautiful people the, Beautiful people, the I remember hearing somewhere that the whole song was a legit song backwards, you had to mess with the audio in some fancy audio editer.
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Now now kids, lets all try to be civilized mansonites, i have camed from the orginal manson chat, and the manson bbs ages ago and i have proof in much stronger vibes then you could count, although the new Touriquet thing is pretty new to me though, it is a funny gester about apc though and i know that Rehold is track nine off the orginal debut for apc though, and yes you are thinking of "sweet dreams (are made from these)" and i have not find that error in that logic though, i will become so nice to all of you in retrospective you can find it for yourself though... i think i left the pizza in the oven :) Got to run :)
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Fred writes:
Look, I didn't read all the comments, but I'm really sick of everyone arguing about where Manson got the idea for the title "The Beautiful People". While most people here have a rough idea, the overall song is about a Nietzsche view of life...something that Manson was interested in at the time of making this album.
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