6 Feet Deep (Gravediggaz) Easter Egg - Backwards Sentance in Defective Trippin'

In song 4 of this album @ 30 seconds in, the backwards sentance is "OK all of you in the house, youre about to witness something you've never witnessed before"

Its fairly easy to figure that one out if you have a computer, but hey, it saves you alot of time if you just come here to find out.

User Rating:
  6.2/10 with 34 votes
Contributed By: Jeff Armstrong on 04-24-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: 6 Feet Deep album
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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vonbontee writes:
Slightly off-topic here, but still: Anybody know whether or not this track was rap's first (only?) ode to hallucinogens? (Curious) I believe Coolio did something-or-other about PCP but that doesn't really count: angel dust is not hallucinogenic.
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Edthecoolguy writes:
I made the song a WAV file and played it, but I listened to the entire song and did not hear what was said above.
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feeb writes:
It's actually: "O.K., party people in the house. You're about to witness something you've never witnessed before" and it's two first lines from Slick Rick's classic song "Ladi Dadi". I think the reason why it's played backward is that samples from this song are one of the most expensive in rap catalogue. Plus this way fits more to the song's mood.
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