Clerks Easter Egg - More Than Just an Actor

During the scene after Veronica and Dante get up off the floor after discussing their # of sexual partners, a customer walks in by the name of "Snowball". This customer is also the producer of the film, Scott Mosier.

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  4.7/10 with 31 votes
Contributed By: EParkhurst24 on 04-23-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The movie
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Mosier also plays the "hockey jerk." He's the guy who gets pissed off that they closed the store to play hockey, so he goes up to the roof and loses their ball for them. Snowball is also shown down on the sidewalk during this scene; a shot that Kevin Smith describes as "our only special effect."
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In Clerks, I think pretty much everyone in the movie is either a friend or relative of Kevin Smith, because it was made on such a limited budget... something like $30,000? Don't get me wrong... I love this movie! It's probably my favorite movie, in fact...
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Jubii writes:
Actually, Snowball is Willam. Willam is also the guy in Mallrats that can't see the "hidden picture". And if you notice, Willam is played by two different people.
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Demitri writes:
Scott Mosier appears in at least the first 3 movies. (Dunno about Dogma) Aside from Clerks, he appears as Rene's dad's assistant in the gameshow in Mallrats, and the irate guy who accuses Banky of being a tracer in Chasing Amy (in the comic convention). He also does a lot of production work in all three (I think).
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Glass Child writes:
Mosier does indeed do most of the production for all the Jersey films, and as to why Willam in Mallrats, and Willam in Clerks are different ... Different planes of reality says Kevin...
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Nightcrawler writes:
Why are you so fixated on the fact that there are two Williams? There can be more than one William you know. And the movies are all on th same plane of existence. The characters always refer to an event in a preceding movie(except for clerks of coarse.) Like in Chasing Amy one of the characters mentions that she knew someone who sucked a dead guy's dick and also mention the girl who died in a pool. which were both things that happened in clerks. In Dogma When jay is talking to the angels he mentions that Bob went thru a wall once (that happened in Mallrats). At the end of Dogma Jay says " we should go to quick stop" which is where Dante works in Clerks. Thus if Dogma is linked to Mallrats and Clerks that means that Clerks is in the same world as Dogma. (Sorry this is so long but quantum physics and alternate realities are my thing).
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Nightcrawler writes:
I left the comment on how there could be more than one Willam. I know I said William throughout the comment and sorry. But there could still be more than one Willam, even if it is an uncommon name.
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greindr1 writes:
On the DVD commentaries, they say that that is the same Willam.
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You're right, as Kevin said, they are supposed to be the same guy. According to the official site (, Mosier was going to play Willam, but instead gave the role to Ethan Suplee. Also, Mosier plays the guy making out with some girl on a car in Chasing Amy.
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animosity writes:
If you check out the scene where Randall is discussing the down side of certain "nudie booth" employees, the man who appears to be very offended is buying...... none other than Windex glass cleaner and paper towels. Coincidence? I think not.
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Steve writes:
In response to cereal_killer, that car they are making out on is a Dodge/Plymouth Neon. I heard that this was Kevin Smith's car at the time. Can anybody confirm or deny this?
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Haras1216 writes:
Scott Mosier actually plays about 7 different parts in Clerks, let-alone many different parts in the other Smith movies. I actually saw Kevin Smith in the Jersey store that I work in a few times. I heard him saw "Jay, come on!" I turned around, and sure enough, it was Jason Mewes following right behind him with one long black sock on and a short white-colored one. He is Jay in real life and in the movies. I love them!
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RavenPlant writes:
Walt Flanagan also plays a number of parts in Clerks, he's the second man to purchase cigarettes from Dante, he's the offended customer with the paper towels, he's the customer that asks about the cat's name, and the guidance counselor. He's also mentioned in Mallrats when Jay and Silent Bob avoid LaFours.
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ben baker writes:
True story - at the end of "Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back" both Willam's were supposed to come out of the cinema at the same time, look at each other and explode. This didn't happen (I presume being British I haven't actually seen the bugger yet) because Ethan Supplee (Mallrats' Willam) was unavailable. If you look at the films, the order in time goes: Mallrats - Clerks - Chasing Amy Julie Dyer dies at the beginning of Mallrats, Randal and Dante attend her wake in Clerks, Caitlin Bree's f***ing of the dead guy is referenced in 'Chasing Amy' And aren't Trish The Dish (Mallrats) and Alyssa Jones (Chasing Amy) sisters? (Sorry if this has been stated somewhere else but - bite me - i havent seen it yet)
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kitten172001 writes:
Scott Mosier appears in Dogma as the adulterer that Matt Damon kills on the bus. He's also making out with his girlfriend there, too, who, by the way, is his real life girlfriend.
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antimony writes:
Actually, Mossier is the REAL William, the one in Mall Rats is only portraying him on film. Mall Rats didn't actually take place in the same reality as the other films. It's the film adaption of a Blunt-man & Chronic book. That's why Jay and Silent Bob are being paid royalties in Chasing Amy, and that's why Jay hassels them over using "snootchy bootchy" as dialogue. Obviously there will be some references to other characters and events because Mall Rats was based loosely on Kevin Smith's reality.
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Incarnation writes:
About Trishia Jones and Alyssa Jones. Yes, they are sisters. They also have a third sister, Heather Jones, in Clerks. Heather mentions she has a sister named Alyssa, and Alyssa mentions she has a sister who wrote a book.
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RandomHero writes:
Thats the guy who was going to play Dante, but Kevin Smith changed his mind and so let him do an easter egg in which he is in a shot with Dante.
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Ephant Mon writes:
Actually antimony, Jay and Bob are receiving royalties from the Bluntman and Chronic books, not from Mallrats the movie, the only movie ever made about them was conceived and filmed all within the time of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
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