Disneyland Easter Egg - Hidden Mickeys

The engineers of Disneyland have put hidden Mickey head shadows on different rides to give those who know something to look for. Next time you are at Disneyland, go on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride and look closely at the main sail of the big pirate ship.

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  6.0/10 with 79 votes
Contributed By: jf on 04-23-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: eyes
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Fire Ball writes:
In the sort of new "Animal Kingdom" at Disney World (Florida) If you look at the tree of life (the big tree disney made with animals all over it) in one of the crotches of the tree (where two branches form a sort of V shape) there is a patch of moss shaped like Mickey's head
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DERANGED502 writes:
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! Disney puts sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many Hidden Mickeys on their rides. There are Hidden Mickeys on It's a Small World, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Haunted Mansion, Spaceship Earth, and the Jungle Cruise. They even put Hidden Mickeys in their hotels.
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Just look the movies, you see also Mickey
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Zoogagineer writes:
If you want an almost complete list,(there is no complete list) of hidden Mickeys, check out the web site hiddenmickeys.org. It also showcases inside jokes and secrets along with a forum and chat.
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bClownin writes:
Hey people its Disney, why wouldn't they put Mickey into their stuff.
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WhiteRhino writes:
That hiddenMickeys.com is dumb! Those aren't hidden... they're pain as day and are supposed to be like that! Especially the 'Disney Recycles' one... it shows the outline of Mickey's head inside the recycle icon. These are not EGGS, sorry bud.
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Topazwolf writes:
In the dinosaur land "play area" with all the slides and nets and stuff, if you go to first water fountain, and there is a "water stain" if you back up or go above it, you will see it's actually a mickey head!
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Laydbacboy writes:
There is a real hidden Mickey in front of the gates of Disneyland: California Adventures. I can't remember where it is but i have seen it. It is on the ground, made out of several glass pieces that are placed in the cement. It blends in very well with the other glass pieces, and all i can remember is that it is about 1/4 of the way across from the right side of the gates.
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Disneymaster writes:
hiddenmickeys.org is a truly wonderful site. They talk about decor (the recycle mickey- NOT HIDDEN, we KNOW WhiteRhino!!!!) and true hidden ones, like the amazing ones in the hotels and in brick patterns, etc. They also have secrets and fun facts about the rides and hotels, too! Read them all, they're truly amazing, and look for them on your next Disney visit!
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Mikokat writes:
At Disneyland, there is a Hidden 50th Anniversary Mickey on the Matterhorn. While you are in line, the bottom row of flags second to the left is a Hidden Mickey.
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Mikokat writes:
I've heard that there are Hidden Mickeys on Big Thunder Mountain and Indiana Jones Rides. I've heard on Big Thunder Mountain that in the avalanche scene there is a pair of Mickey Ears somewhere. It is only visible when there is a breakdown and the lights are on full. The one on the Indy is after the snake where all the skulls are. One of the skulls os wearing a Mickey Ears hat. probably only visible when you are walking through the ride. Fun Fact: There are 1,992 skulls on the Indy because it was built in 1992.
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