Michelangelo Easter Egg - Cardinal Leading Souls to Hell

Back when Michalangelo was painting the sistene chapel, a certain Cardinal said that he clearly didn't like it. So, as a retaliation, good ol' mike changed the face of the demon leading the souls to hell with that of the cardinal! Good thing the pope at the time had a sence of humor...

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  7.1/10 with 192 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-21-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Sistene Chapel
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Hazard Edge writes:
Oh cmon, no link to the pic? I WANNA SEE IT, I WANNA SEE IT!
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poopy writes:
Just to add to that, the Cardinal didn't like the nude portraits in the painting, so years after the Pope and Mikey had died, he had Mikey's friend paint little cloths over the genitals of the people. But when the Cardinal died, the cloths were sanded off, including the portrait of the Cardinal. He was wrapped with a snake, and you can have one guess where he was getting bitten :)
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Catboy writes:
Here is a link to a picture of the cardinal/demon Enjoy http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/support/viewer/z.html
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for some reason the link didn't work on my computer... is it a dead one, or perhaps just a mishap of my haphazard computer?? and so if it was sanded off, would the image still be worth seeing in attempt to be the face of the cardinal? or would it be like looking in vain because well, you know, it's no longer the face of the Cardinal and now it's just any ol' demon? as for the cardinal leading the souls to hell thing, i guess it was good ol' Mikie's way of saying "Al Infierno con il Cardinale!" ("To Hell with the Cardinal!"), huh? hehehe :P <*dodges tomatoes*> peace & what not, Michelle*
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King Grimloc writes:
Here is the site with the picture. http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/40j-I.jpg
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Hi everyone.... this isn't really much about the thing you just said, however, it is kind of interesting. Michelangleo(can't spell sorry) when signing his paintings didn't write his name, just drew a perfect circle (without using a compass or anything) because noone else of his time could! I just thought that was kind of neat.:)
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