Dark City Easter Egg - Find Shell Beach

The "Find Shell Beach" game on the Dark City DVD is very vague and difficult. Here's how to finish it.
-At the Special Features menu, choose "To Shell Beach". It will tell you find a bloody knife.
-Go to the Cast Menu, choose Kiefer Sutherland, and on the first page you can see the dim outline of a knife. Highlight it and press "Play". It will tell you find the doctor's business card.
-Go to the Neil Gaiman section and choose "more" until you can see the outline of a business card. Highlight it and press "Play". It will tell you to look for a picture.
-Go to the Metropolis Comparison, choose the Original Weekly Variety Review, and choose "more" until you see the outline of a postcard. Highlight it, press "Play" and it will tell you to find a souvenir.
-Go to the Crew Menu, choose Trevor Jones, and choose "more" until you see the outline of a snowglobe. Highlight it, press "Play" and it will tell you to go find the clock.
-Go to the Cast Menu, choose William Hurt, choose "more" until you find the clock, highlight it, Press "Play" and then it will tell you to find the tool that makes you what you are. This is the sneaky part.
-Go to Set Designs, choose "more" until you are at the 7th picture in (which should be a picture of a hypodermic needle), highlight the picture and press "Play".
VOILA! You're treated to a crummy little 15-second animated re-creation of the final battle of the film! Kind of a lot of work for such little payoff. I think I'm the only person in the world who bothered to figure this game out.

User Rating:
  6.6/10 with 105 votes
Contributed By: Edsel on 04-20-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The DVD and the patience of a saint
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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FiZ writes:
Yep. FiZ
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CoolGui writes:
Yes, that seems to work... and you are right, it is cheezy. What a let-down.
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MoLeMaN writes:
I agree it was pretty boring. And just to let you know you weren't the only one to figure out that stupid game. I did too, and was very pissed off at all the work I did for nothing.
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RedAbacus writes:
I used this site to go through the game (without having to figure it out) and *I* was pissed off about the reward. Can't imagine how much those of you who figured it out for yourself must've felt!
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durgis writes:
I had every step except the post card before looking. The animation was almost amusing, but was a big pain to figure out. Thanks for the missing step.
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Yoga Punguin writes:
How in the world did you figure this out? When I tried I felt as if someone told me I had to walk to a strange land and had a week to get there. His only instructions? Put on your shoes! Thanks! I'll try it. The movie was good at least.
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