Twisted Metal 2 Easter Egg - Cheat Codes (NOT AN EGG)

Enter these codes during gameplay:

God Mode (Infinate weapons, Turbo, and Health) -
Hold L1,L2,R1, and R2 and press up, down, left, right, right, left, down, up.The words God Mode should appear at the top of the screen.

Strong Bullets- Hold L2 and press up, down, left, right, right, left ,down, up.

Enter These codes at the vehicle select screen:

Minion - L1, up, down, left.

Sweettooth - Up, L1, triangle, right.

User Rating:
  6.1/10 with 43 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-15-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: PlayStation Game Console
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Trancepire writes:
What does sweettooth do? I noticed, in the NY level, if you drive off of one of the ledges, the button combination for sweet tooth is written in red in the city lights that you crash into when you go over the ledge. I couldn't figure out what that was for, but I guess it's for sweet tooth, but what does it do?
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SEPTiMUS writes:
Minion is actually faster than most of the vehicles, and has a better turning circle too. :)
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Insanelynuts writes:
Here are some more cheat codes. Homing Napalms (this means every time you shoot a napalm, it follows the closet person until it hits them)- First get at least 3 Napalms, you need at least this many to do the code. Then Shoot one and hit quickly up, down, down, left, left, left, right, right, right. If you did it right, you should now have about elven new napalms, that are homing, and now every time you get a Napalm, it will be homing. The Roof Tops (Its the final level in Twsited Metal 1)- Go into the level select for when your playing two player battle mode, and hit quickly down, left, R1, down. Napalm- To shot a napalm when you do not have any hit right, left, up.
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Cypher writes:
Beaverman4 the "cheats" you describe are actually the combos in the game that make it easier to defeat bosses and the other characters. So sorry...
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Katgirl writes:
About Minion and Sweettooth: I recommend Minion- good special and lots of armor, but slow and hard to steer on small corners. I would recommend a smaller car if you like tearing up the turf.
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Beaverman4 writes:
A few more cheats, jump: up, up, left on the d-pad. Freeze missle: left, right, up on the d-pad. Mines:left right (or right left, try both) backwards
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