Hercules Easter Egg - I'm Not That Good

During a Hercules Episode, the one were Autolocus and Hercules go to the past, and Autolocus meets up with his younger self...

There is a point where the "younger" Autolocus starts taunting the "older" Autolocus and the "Older" autolocus punches him out and states
"I'm not that good"

this is a reference to the ORIGINAL line in Army of Darkness where Ash and Evil ash were fighting...it was replace with "Good, Bad, I'm the one with the gun"

(Just a side note All of Sam Raimi's films and shows have at least a cameo by Bruce Cambel if you want to call that an Egg)

User Rating:
  5.6/10 with 28 votes
Contributed By: Angie on 04-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: (sorry unsure of the episode Title)
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Just writes:
Who's Bruce Cambel?
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Naomi writes:
Bruce Campbell is the actor that plays Autolocus and Ash.
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Alleria writes:
Bruce Cambell(sp) also played Brisco County JR and is in a new(?) show about an American spy in England :shrugs: i've only seen it once and would LOVE to see it again... if anyone can like tell me where there's a site about it... or listings or SOMETHING would greatly appreciate it...
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Bremen writes:
Bruce Campbell is probably one of the most down to earth actors, (not to mention my favorite) on the face of this planet! Check him out at: http://www.bruce-campbell.com/
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Luca writes:
Am I the only confused one here?!?!
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MrPrez writes:
Bruce Cambell(sp) also played Brisco County JR and is in a new(?) show about an American spy in England :shrugs = this show is called Jack of all trades, and they show it with Cleo(patra?) 2525 acctually, it's called back to back action (if i recall correctly) they show 2 different shows in 1 'episode'
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duffman writes:
I can not believe you dont know who Bruce Campbell is he plays in Ash in all of the Evil Dead movies and whoever put that Bruce is in all of Sams films better get there facts Straight ok he is not in all of Sams films I will admit they work together a lot and that is because they are best friends.
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Bruse Campbell is in alot of Sams work, but hes been in others too, Spider-man, McHales Navy, and other movies and t.v. shows, have a look http://us.imdb.com/Name?Campbell,+Bruce+(I)
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