Seaquest Easter Egg - William Shatner on Seaquest DSV

In the show Seaquest DSV (starring Roy Scheider),
the submarine crew would communicate with the outside world via large videoscreens. When
a communication was taking place, a bunch of
gibberish letters and numbers would usually
race across the bottom of the video screen.
There was an episode of Seaquest DSV
where William Shatner guest starred as a tyrant
attempting to take over the world.
When Shatner first appeared on the submarine's
video screens, the sequence of letters and
numbers which scrambled quickly across the bottom
of the screen was "JTK - NCC1701", as in James
Tiberius Kirk followed by the serial number of
the Starship Enterprise.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 79 votes
Contributed By: Jake Schwartz on 04-13-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Videotape with freeze-frame capability
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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fjade writes:
As a avid fan of Seaquest, this is true, but can you remember what the DSV stood for?
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Deep Sea Vessel
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Xhabelle writes:
NO WAY man. I think I am probably the BIGGEST seaQuest DSV fan ever on earth and uh, lemme tell ya. DSV stands for Deep Submergence Vehicle. Sorry to be anal retentive. seaQuest was my LIFE for the two and a half years or so it was on (sad hey?) :) GO QUESTIES!
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Raven writes:
I think that he means that JTK stands for James Tiberius Kirk. The pilot episode of SeaQuest pretty much covered the fact that DSV stands for Deep Sea Vessel.
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PrinceDarian writes:
Doesn't Seem Vital
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emjay writes:
Xhabelle's right. In the very first episode, there is a shot in which they have the words, 'SeaQuest Deep Submergence Vehicle' across the bottom, right before all but the initials 'DSV' disappear
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