Pinky and the Brain Easter Egg - Secret Message

During the title sequence some words fly by pretty fast. if you slo-mo it, It reads "Don't tell Brain that I hid this secret message. Ha ha. Narf."

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 270 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-12-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Slo mo VCR
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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MoonPilot writes:
How could you forget the second half! Shortly after that message scrolls by, another one flashes past even faster: "I know all about your silly secret message, Pinky." (not sure that's the exact wording, it's been a while since I used my slomo button)
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Ancisace writes:
Another one which flashes past at the bottom of the screen says "are you pondering what I am pondering?"
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The Llama writes:
Ancisace: That one is visible without the slomo, and isn't a egg, just part of the sequence
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Superrodan writes:
There are lots of wierd things. The first one is near the beginning when they are walking in front of the glass. Then the Answer to Pinky's message near the end. There are also things like Narf and Point, and enasni which is insane backwords. They have this during "One is a genius, the other is insane.
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zeldafreak64 writes:
And when they're singing "They're Pinky and the Brain..." one of the many times, the words "They're Brain The and Pinky" flash by.
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