Frasier Easter Egg - Bulldog in-Joke

In the episode where Frasier is dating a psychcology student, Bulldog Brisco starts hitting on her in his usual sexist way. She later says to Frasier that she thinks that Bulldog might actually be gay, and overcompensating for it with his chauvinistic behaviour.

This is an in-joke, as the actor who plays Bulldog, Dan Butler, is actually gay, despite the fact that his character is far from it.

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Contributed By: kaufen1013 on 04-11-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Just writes:
WOW! Thanks for that.
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Interesting! I'll have to check into that.
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Oilers61 writes:
Yeah I knew that the actor who plays Bull-Dog is gay. When I heard that on the show my jaw almost dropped off. Great bit of writing
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'Rox' writes:
really??! i never knew he was gay! Thanks for telling us! Great little bit of info
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EvilBunnee writes:
Just as a side note, the same actor that plays Bulldog (Dan Butler) also played a gay art gallery owner on Caroline in the City, named Kenneth Arabian. He was in two episodes, both as the same character, who owned an art gallery that showed only gay artists work.
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TR_Wolf writes:
He is? Wow! I didn't know that! That really is quite surprising, especially as I'm actually gay and my "Gaydar" didn't go off at all with that guy! He plays his character well! :)
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NerdAlert writes:
Actually, I once heard an interview with the cast wherein Kelsey Grammar commented that he and Eddie (the dog) were the only two straight male leads and he wasn't sure about the dog.
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