Tektronix 1751 Digital Video Osciloscope / Vectorscope Easter Egg - Fishes Swimming on Screen

1. Switch osciloscope ON
2. Go to config menu
3. Select menu item REMOTE
4. Press bottom option select switch (on 1751 you can see software version number next to the switch on osciloscope screen.
5. Now you can Enjoy fishes swimming on osciloscope screen

And in CZECH version:
1. Zapnout osiloskop
2. Prejit do konfiguracniho menu
3. Zvolit polozku REMOTE
4. Stisknout nejspodnejsi tlacitko pro volbu moznosti konfigurace (na 1751 je vlevo od nej na osiloskopu napsana verze software)
5. No a ted uz ryby plavou po osciloskopu

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 30 votes
Contributed By: Pavel on 04-08-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Tektronix 1751 or 1741
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Newshound writes:
The fishes also appear on the 1750A waveform monitor, for those of you watching in NTSC! Don't know about the 1741 though....
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hrf writes:
I don't get why point one is there? It still works without this, you just can't see it. :P
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