Blade Runner Easter Egg - Look at the Newstand

There is a newstand on street in Blade Runner. Look closely at magazines of the future. The mags are $30 a copy! This is Los Angeles in 2019, right? Dates on mags say 2020.
The magazine with the crude computer generated head on the cover titled "MONI" has an article that might be eggworthy. Look at bottom right hand corner.

>>>> "Illegal Aliens" by Ridley Scott!

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Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 04-08-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch video very closely.
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Paul Tomori writes:
'MONI' looks like a rehash of the name for 'OMNI' magazine .... or is that too obvious?
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RoyBatty writes:
For any "science" guy it would be...but for most not too obvious. But then again the demographic that would be scrutinizing the magazines in a sci-fi movie for references would probably have a much higher chance of indeed knowing that MONI is OMNI :)
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Albert writes:
According to the book "Future Noir" by Paul Sammon, the movie was originally supposed to take place in the year 2020, but they changed it because of the eyesight connotations.
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msalmi writes:
The book "Future Noir" is non-fiction about the film, the original book & the works. 441 pages of solid stuff about the making of a classic film. Highly recommended!
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Spaceman writes:
I can probably be shot for being such a huge Phillip Kindred Dick fan, so let me just tell you that "...........Electric Sheep" was set in San Francisco in the year 1992! I think the secrets hidden in Blade Runner (A title taken from a different book by a different author and having nothing to do with "........Electric Sheep" at all) are too numerous to count, You have to have read a great deal of PKD, not ".......Electric Sheep" as the film has elements taken from many of his novels, to see the secrets that are there.
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kautsy75 writes:
glad all of you know what you're talking about...LMAO...ok I think this paragraph sums it up... Paul M. Sammon, a regular contributor to the magazine Cinefantastique, answers these questions and many others in his book Film Noir: The Making of Blade Runner. Sammon leads you through the film-making process involved in bringing Phillip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep to the silver screen as Blade Runner. ps: lawandorderkate...put the pipe down...
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cobell writes:
Apart from the News stands. Does anyone know if any Hidden Easter eggs exist on the Region 2 Disc?.
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